Dentures & Bridges
When you’re missing a tooth or teeth, you probably want to know your options for replacement. A full set of teeth not only look good, they are functional. They help us chew and bite. The set of teeth works together and is most effective when there aren’t gaps or missing teeth. What are your options for replacing missing teeth and what’s the difference between bridges and dentures?
The simple answer is that a dental bridge is a fixed (permanent) restoration, while partial dentures are removable. Dental implants are permanent, and inserted into the gums and jaw bone, to mimic your natural teeth. Here’s more about how they work.
Like it sounds, a dental bridge spans the missing teeth or tooth gap. It’s attached to both sides, the abutting teeth, and provides a natural-looking and functioning tooth or teeth. Your dentist takes measurements and molds for a custom-made bridge that will look like a set of teeth. Those are permanently attached in your mouth, by securing them on crowns placed over dental implants or natural teeth prepared for the bridge crowns.
Partial dentures are an option when a person still has some teeth in their mouth. They are natural-looking restorations and are temporarily attached to natural teeth in your mouth using a clasp or precision attachment. You remove them when sleeping. Your dentist might recommend crowns on the teeth where the dentures will attach, to make the spot secure.